Revd Jane Mitchell - Vicar, PCC chair and Worship link
vicar@swaychurch.com 07885 505532
Peter Blick - Church Warden, Church Safeguarding Officer (SO) Treasurer
peter@swaychurch.com 07808777176
Sandra Clarke - Church Warden - Growth and Care PCC link- Pastoral
Sophie Gates Communications Administrator - comms@swaychurch.com- in the church office Thursdays 10-12 and remotely at other times.
Our current list of PCC members for 2024/25 is as follow. Please contact the Office Adminsitrator on office@swaychurch.com or 01590 683358 for contact details of any of the PCC members.
Merilyn Christian-Edwards - Licenced Lay Minister : Worship
Hazel Gillett – Deanery Representative and Hospitality team
I have been blessed to have had St Luke’s in my life since 2012.
To date, 5 of my grandchildren have been christened here, one son married
here & my late husband Guy’s funeral was very sensitively conducted by Vicar Jane.
Guy’s ashes are interred in the beautiful garden of remembrance, as he finally came to faith through regular attendance here & being involved with the sound desk at the informal service.
I thoroughly enjoy being involved where I can, at present, with hospitality & Messy Church.
Andrea Janssens - Eco Church PCC link
Geraldine Hawkes - PCC Secretary Communications team and Finance team (Payments)
PCC Secretary geraldine@swaychurch.com 01590 682358
- Stuart Mitchell - Deanery Rep, Buildings Team
buildings@swaychurch.com 07887 850448
Taiwo Ogunjimi – Worship BCM
Lesley Willey - Finance team (payments) and Hospitality and Mission link
I joined St Luke's with my husband, Harry, in November 2016. We have lived in Barton-on-Sea since 2011. During my working life, I have been in administration, accounts, and IT. For a while I used these skills in a missions context, but later in education and the business world generally.
I became a Christian in my late teens when I had a clear and undeniable encounter with the Lord. I began my Chrisitan life in a Baptist church for 10 years, but am more at home in the Church of England where I have attended and served for over 30 years.
Ellie John - completing a children's training course BCM with Winchester Diocese
Lucy Howlett - mission
Ken Naylor - Practical/physical support and general help
My name is Ken Naylor,
I am a retired care home Office Administrator/Receptionist.
I returned to church life some 25 years ago having been encouraged to attend an Alpha course, following this I attended several more Alpha courses on my journey. I am currently attending another Bible Study course, this time at St Luke's. My introduction to St Luke's came about by joining one of the church music groups in 2023 to play ukulele and sing songs of praise to God. I joined the PCC to offer practical/physical support when required and make any other useful contributions I am able. -
Rev Kevin Smith- Part time Curate Fridays
Standing Committee: 2024/5
Jane Mitchell
Peter Blick
Sandra Clarke
Hazel Gillett
Geraldine Hawkes
Taiwo Ogunjimi
Andrea Janssens
St Luke’s Sway
Here at St Luke’s we are part of the Church of England, and as such have a particular legal structure that contributes to the leadership of the church. It is called the PCC, which stands for the Parochial Church Council. This is a brief introduction to the history of PCCs, its role and how it operates.
The PCC is an important body in the life of the church. Please do pray for it (you can pick up a prayer card with all the names of those on the PCC at this time and a number of suggestions for prayer) as it makes decisions which affect the mission and ministry of St Luke’s Sway.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask the church wardens.
The Parish System
A parish is the geographical area committed to the care of an incumbent or parish priest by the Bishop. So everyone in England lives in a parish, whether or not they attend the parish church.
The parish system developed gradually. By the end of the 13th century the country was covered by parishes which have been sub-divided as the population grew.
Each parish has two churchwardens (normally) and a Parochial Church Council.
The role of the PCC
In summary, the PCC exists to co-operate with the minister in sharing leadership of the parish so that we may all:
- Play our part in God’s mission and ministry in this place.
- Steward our buildings and churchyard for the furtherance of God’s kingdom.
- Contribute to the wider life of the Church of England.
- Conduct ourselves in ways which fulfil best practice in safeguarding, finance, and employment.
PCC members are elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting which is held between 1 January and 30 May. Members are elected for 3 years. To be eligible you must be over 16, on the electoral roll, baptised, confirmed, a regular communicant and able to legally be a charity trustee. All clergy licensed to the parish, the churchwardens, and any members of the deanery, diocesan or general synods on the electoral roll are ex officio on the PCC. Licenced lay ministers are not automatically members, though they are often elected on.
Our PCC meets approximately 6 times a year, and has a standing committee. The PCC secretary posts the minutes of meetings on the notice board after each meeting and PCC papers are available on request via the church office.
What is the PCC responsible for?
Its powers and duties are defined by certain Acts of Parliament and other legislation, principally the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956. It states: ‘It shall be the duty of the incumbe
Source: CPAS PCC Tonight information.